Tuesday 27 August 2013

Upcycle those odds and ends from the crockery cupboard

Here at Wycheproof central we are always on the look out for stylish ways to recreate and upcycle those things we no longer need.

I recently visited my sister doyen of all things crafty who revealed her latest project idea and that was to make a cake stand from old crockery and glassware.  The finished result looked great.

A quick whiz around Pinterest showed she wasn't alone in upcycling and creating some great items out of the old. Seems cake stands can be made of all sorts of things.

To get started: Gather your imagination and items together. Use a clear glue suitable for gluing ceramic and glass. Experiment with the design before gluing and viola there you have it, a stylish and functional item that would look great no matter the occasion.

The cake stand in question is made from a small glass bowl, glass plates of different sizes and glass vases. For best results use Araldite Ulta Clear or similar clear epoxy adhesive to glue it all together.

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